The community for individualists

The community is intended for individualists, and the reason is that a true Gnostic, better a Neo-Gnostic in the 21st century, has no need for anyone to determine his path, so anyone who can respect the rule of Open Theology and will be able to share his individual knowledge on the Gnostic path, but at the same time deeply respect others, is welcome. As men and women we are unique as individuals, and our Gnostic journey will never be the same.

Open Theology: Gnostic theology is on the way, and doubt is the Mother of all virtues. Everyone learns gradually – only the level of knowledge is distinguished – which is the human relationship to the Divine. Each relationship to the Divine is unique in man, at the same time the Gnostic rule holds that the Divine speaks to each one in a thousand ways and a thousand possible ways at its perfect discretion in due time, those who do not believe in this Divine often seek to forcibly indoctrinate the other person. It follows, therefore, from this rule that each member of the community is responsible to himself and to the Deity for the quality of his way. There is no Overseer or Inquisitor of any kind in the community.

Basic rules for the community

Absolute equality: There is no division – there is absolute equality between men and women in the community, no discrimination based on race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity.

Open Theology: Neo–Gnostic theology is on the way, and doubt is the Mother of all virtues. Everyone learns gradually – only the level of knowledge is distinguished – which is the human relationship to the Divine. Each relationship to the Divine is unique in man, at the same time the Gnostic rule holds that the Divine speaks to each one in a thousand ways and a thousand possible ways at its perfect discretion in due time, those who do not believe in this Divine often seek to forcibly indoctrinate the other person. It follows, therefore, from this rule that each member of the community is responsible to himself and the Deity for the quality of his way. There is no Overseer or Inquisitor of any kind in the community.

Relationship to other religions and faiths outside the Christian mainstream (Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant): A deep respect for the distinctiveness and understanding of God’s ways – there is no option to disrespect each individual and their religion and spirituality in its uniqueness (as long as it does not conflict with Love and Truth), on the contrary, the study of all quality religious and spiritual texts (all religious faiths) based on a biblical approach is welcome – Bible, Thessalonians 5, verse 21 -22, quote, „Search all things, hold fast to that which is good, and guard against that which is evil in every form.“ Therefore, no person who would claim to be of the Neo–Gnostic tradition must be a bearer of hatred and contempt for all beliefs (religion or spirituality) of other people. Thus, the only standard is Love and Truth.

Communication with other (not only) Christian churches and religious societies who have Jesus Christ in their midst: Fish cannot bear arms, or fear as a means of controlling people never belongs to faith (belief) – a source of the quote by Philip Kindred Dick (writer and Neo-Gnostic). This makes it clear that no one and never must work in spiritual warfare with fear of any authority. The real God/Divinity does not need our fear, He has chosen us as Friends!

Two fundamental tasks


[1] I tell everyone that if they want to take the Gnostic path, they must first write down comprehensively and in writing (not in their head, that gets lost quickly) what they believe and why, and also what they don’t believe and why, and also what they question about the religious path they are on. I know this is going to sound harsh, but I say to everyone that if you don’t do this – for yourself – (don’t post anything, to begin with) and then sit down and meditate on the text and the ideas that you have honestly admitted to yourself until your true foundation (which is your individuality) is truly revealed, then forget the Gnostic path. Even if it takes a year, until you are sure that this is your foundation, commit to it, look at the matter from perhaps twelve points of view, and don’t lie to yourself, you are doing it all for yourself. And by doing that you will move, a little bit forward, or you will realize that you have been going in circles for many years and that you have to get rid of your previous indoctrination (enculturation).

[2] Confront what you have written directly then with real Gnostics to see where you are leaving the door open to Evil and where you should move elsewhere based on factual criticism written with love for you. This is where the basic path of the two tasks leads, and then, once resolved, the next task will open up before you.

These two simple tasks are the most important points of this community, and I wish everyone to commit to them (but they are not mandatory rules), but an inspiration for their individuation. Nevertheless, you can trust me that fulfilling these two tasks is not easy, and as a Neo – Gnostic I have to voluntarily fulfill them repeatedly to make sure that I am still on the right track. However, the tasks also have the effect of often provoking resentment in some, because they may seem too extremely personal to some. But as I write, completing tasks is not a requirement, but a wonderful recommendation. Neo Gnostic Uroboros

The direct personal example of completing tasks:

Collection of Wisdom – God’s Pearls I – XXI. Version 1.0 [Copyright ©]

I present to you today my collection of Gnostic Pearls; this collection of sayings is my Gnostic message in the 21st century. This message is personal, it is the most honest conception of what I have picked up from studying two Gnostic paths – my first teacher after Jesus Christ is the (ancient) Gnostic teacher Valentinus, and my second teacher is the (new) Gnostic teacher and science fiction writer Philip Kindred Dick (PKD) and his PhilDickian Gnosticism. The result is my inventory, which is not dogmatic and is subject to everyone’s opinion, and I welcome substantive criticism or additions or corrections of erroneous information. Thank you.