Category Archives: Philip Kindred Dick

Uroboros: Phildickian Gnosticism v praxi Ω Mercerismus jako živoucí náboženství Empatie – verze 2.0

Zdravím všechny – přátele PKD, a jak jsem slíbil, plním – předkládám vám studii o Mercerismu/náboženství Empatie od spisovatele a neognostika Philipa Kindreda Dicka. Čtěte v klidu, ale s otevřenou myslí, ale buďte ochotni případně vyslovit věcnou kritiku. Tato verze je verzí 2.0, a to proto, že bylo nutné zpracovat všechny věcné připomínky k předchozí verzi. Jinak je také výsledkem mé spolupráce s přáteli z českého sci-fi fandomu PKD a zejména s panem Janem Waltrem Slukou. Zvu vás tedy na zajímavou cestu.

  1. Úvod do mercerismu
  2. Základní výklad Phildickian Gnosticism
  3. Důležité poznámky a komentáře
  4. Jádro mercerismu
  5. (1) Isidorův příběh o sloučení – úryvek z knihy
  6. (2) Schránka empatie – výňatek z knihy
  7. (3) Snoví androidi o elektrických ovcích (první kapitola) – úryvek z knihy
  8. Důležité poznámky o zvířatech v detailu
  9. (4) Empatie a andělé (androidi) – úryvek z knihy
  10. Důležité poznámky o androidech v detailech
  11. Poslední dotek mercerismu
  12. (5) Proč si Buddy Buster neustále dělá legraci z mercerismu? – Výňatek z knihy
  13. (6) Je mercerismus podvod? – Výňatek z knihy
  14. Použité zdroje
  15. Podvratný živel versus státní strážci
  16. Mercerismus – 1. úryvek ze Svatých textů k výuce empatie (kniha Sní androidi o elektronických ovcích?)
  17. Mercerismus – 2. úryvek ze Svatých textů pro výuku empatie (povídka Malá černá skříňka)

Úvod k tématu Mercerismu:

Představuji Vám novou studii o Mercerismu a to ve verzi 2.0; tato verze je tedy rozdílná proti předchozí mé autorské zveřejněné verzi z měsíce dubna 2021, a obsahuje úplně nové poznatky + upřesnění, ale také množství extrémně kritických věcných poznámek, které jsou výsledkem spolupráce s autorem schopným věcné a systematické kritiky (kolega Jan Walter Sluka), a který mi pomohl kvalitně zpracovat téma Mercerismu z pomyslné verze 1.0 do verze Mercerismus 2.0 (Phildickian Gnosticism – Mercerism 2.0), a jehož spolupráce si velice vážím a děkuji mu v tomto úvodu.

Tím, že spolupracujeme, dokážeme chápání tématu (i z jeho těžce zpracovatelných podrobností a odlišností, kterým nás „zákeřně“ a cíleně vystavil pan spisovatel) plně rozvinout a komunitě sdružené v Phildickian Gnosticism ukázat další rozměr tvorby spisovatele a Neo-Gnostika Philipa Kindreda Dicka (dále jen PKD).

Tato studie je také stále otevřená – to znamená, že kdokoliv ze čtenářů této studie může po zveřejnění upozornit na nesrovnalosti, nebo na upřesnění terminologie či výkladu pojmů. Upozornění dávám hlavně proto, že jako Neo-Gnostik přijímám nauku Phildickian Gnosticism jako živoucí, stále v procesu pochopení a chci se vyvarovat toho, že budu definovat všechny poznatky jako pravdu, která nepodléhá věcné, tedy skeptické a vědecké kritice. Každému, kdo je autorem vždy říkám buďte připraveni uznat chybu, a opravit či doplnit studii, která vyjde pod Vaším jménem. Tento přístup zaručí vždy to, že se dozvíte třeba podrobnosti, o kterých netušíte, nebo je omylem považujete za nepodstatné. Omyl se dá napravit, pýcha ale mnohem těžce.

Základní výklad Phildickian Gnosticismu:

Dickianský Neo-Gnosticismus (Phildickian Gnosticism) je obtížnější (stručně) a (dokonale) definovat, nebo alespoň definovat vždy dobře (kvalitně, s plným vystižením jednotlivých myšlenek spisovatele PKD).

Důvod je jednoduchý (každý čtenář, či čtenářka) povídek, knih, i esejů, a studií PKD by měl/měla zdravě pochopit, že v okamžiku, kdy čte vše Dickovo dílo ze svého subjektivního, mnoha faktory zkresleného pohledu; toto se Vám děje vždy (nejen při studiu PKD), ať chcete nebo ne, každé slovo, každý výraz můžete v jednu chvíli pochopit jinak, než třeba o den později, stejně se to tak má s vysvětlením jednotlivých pojmů u PKD.

Celý příspěvek

Uroboros: Phildickian Gnosticism in Practice Ω Mercerism as a Living Religion Empathy – version 2.0 [Copyright ©]

Greetings all – friends of PKD, and as promised, I deliver – I present to you a study of the Mercerism/Religion of Empathy by writer and Neo-Gnostic Philip Kindred Dick. Read calmly, but with an open mind, but be willing to offer substantive criticism where appropriate. This version is version 2.0, and this is because it was necessary to process all substantive comments on the previous version. Otherwise, it is also the result of my collaboration with my friends in the Czech science fiction fandom PKD and especially Mr. Jan Walter Sluka. So I invite you on an interesting journey.

  1. Introduction to Mercerism
  2. Basic exposition of Phildickian Gnosticism
  3. Important notes and comments
  4. The core of Mercerism
  5. (1) Isidore’s Story of Merging – excerpt from the book
  6. (2) Empathy Box – excerpt from the book
  7. (3) Dream androids about electric sheep (first chapter) – excerpt from the book
  8. Important notes on animals in detail
  9. (4) Empathy and Andes (androids) – excerpt from the book
  10. Important notes about the Andoids in detail
  11. The Last Touch of Mercerism
  12. (5) Why does Buddy Buster keep making fun of Mercerism? – Excerpt from the book
  13. (6) Is Mercerism a scam? – Excerpt from the book
  14. Sources used
  15. Subversive Element vs State Guardians
  16. Mercerism – 1st extract of Holy Texts to Teach Empathy (book Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep?)
  17. Mercerism – 2nd extract of Holy Texts for Teaching Empathy (short story The Little Black Box)

Introduction to Mercerism:

I present to you a new study on Mercerism in version 2.0; this version is therefore different from my previous published version from April 2021, and contains completely new knowledge + clarifications, but also a number of extremely critical factual remarks that are the result of cooperation with an author capable of factual and systematic criticism (colleague Jan Walter Sluka), and who helped me to process the topic of Mercerism from the imaginary version 1.0 to the version Mercerism 2.0 (Phildickian Gnosticism – Mercerism 2.0),  and whose cooperation I greatly appreciate and thank him in this introduction.

By working together, we are able to fully develop the understanding of the topic (even from its hard-to-process details and differences, to which the writer „insidiously“ and purposefully exposed us) and show the community associated in Phildickian Gnosticism another dimension of the work of writer and Neo-Gnostic Philip Kindred Dick (hereinafter referred to as PKD).

This study is also still open – this means that any of the readers of this study can point out discrepancies or clarifications of terminology or interpretation of terms after publication. I give cautions mainly because, as a Neo-Gnostic, I accept the doctrine of Phildickian Gnosticism as living, still in the process of understanding, and I want to avoid defining all knowledge as truth that is not subject to factual, that is, skeptical and scientific criticism. To everyone who is the author, I always say be prepared to acknowledge a mistake, and correct or supplement a study that will be published under your name. This approach will always guarantee that you learn details that you do not know about, or mistakenly consider irrelevant. A mistake can be corrected, but pride is much harder.

Celý příspěvek

Uroboros: Excerpt from Holy Texts on Mercerism (from the book Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep? and the short story The Little Black Box [Copyright ©]

The texts on this website are published for religious education and teaching purposes only. Writer and (Neo-Gnostic) Philip Kindred Dick also deals deeply with the theme of humanity and genuine empathy in his novels and short stories.

Mercerism – 1st list of Holy Texts to teach Empathy (book Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep?)

Source of quotation: Blade runner: Do androids dream of electric sheep. Prague: W. Smith, 1993. Science fiction (Winston Smith). ISBN 80-85643-07-3; electronic version.

Writer and (Neo-Gnostic) Philip Kindred Dick – Modified
Celý příspěvek

Uroboros: The first practical lesson – The Path of Radical Inquiry, inspired by the writer and Neo-Gnostic Philip K. Dick [Copyright ©]

The writer Philip Kindred Dick had a few revolutionary ideas in his writing – that is, in his stories, novels, and philosophically – (novo) gnostic theses. Not that the ideas are entirely new, but just as every new human generation must do in the bigger picture, that they will reassess (on the basis of their subjective contemporary viewpoint) truth and reality in their own way, for their current times, so it applies to individuals. For individuals, this journey means even more – they must subject all the ideas of past generations and their thinkers (science – all parts of science, religion, spirituality, philosophy) to radical scrutiny. The writer and (new) Gnostic Philip Kindred Dick (this journey for himself and others) found him on a journey of (new) Gnostic personal exploration called the Path of Radical Inquiry.

This journey, the journey of the Path of Radical Inquiry, involves first and foremost challenging everything you know so far and what you have learned in any field of knowledge. No area is a TABU, and there is no possibility of circumventing the challenge, because without extreme radical challenge you cannot go forward freely.

Imagine becoming a locomotive, and coming out with workshops where the master of railroad construction has fine-tuned you to an absolute state of perfection, and suddenly, standing on the track the engineer has wheeled you out of the workshop after finishing, you expect the best they could attach behind you – an endless line of royal cars built with absolute luxury for their passengers, or even becoming something else, like the most amazing train in the world – the Orient Express.

Photo by Pixabay on

But something terrible happens, and now back to the man from the locomotive, because you are „God’s spark“ in the human body, that is, you are the best lost bit of God in the human body, and suddenly you are nested through physical birth into this world. If you were just the locomotive, they would attach to you a place of royal carriage-pulling or Orient Express just despite your new and perfect brilliance, eventually even charcoal wagons, but you just accept that as a locomotive, because the locomotive is only supposed to be a useful tool, but here, here is the change to humanity, where my likeness is no longer enough.

Yes man is not a locomotive, he has had „God’s spark“ in him since birth, and he really doesn’t have a designated exact path as a technical (entirely purpose-built) device – a locomotive. A man with „God’s Spark“ is destined for freedom, a freedom unconstrained by the Pharisees. So we mustn’t attach any carriages to a person, and we must let everyone, even mistakenly, attach for a time, despite all of them even the worst carriages full of dirt and sludge, but let us rather wish everyone to attach only the best that they drag with them all their lives. And here’s the stumbling block that destroys the basic rock in a person – the cornerstone (the one with God’s spark) and that’s the stumbling block that every person has in the beginning, whether they want or not to attach many cars with coal, sludge, urine, feces – an excuse for language, but there’s no other way to call it, I’d be lying like those refined gentlemen, what they call spirituality a frighteningly decent story. But with all that can utterly deflate a man destroys himself just to „God’s spark,“ and the only way to stop it is by the coming of grace (God’s) and you realize, in the gift of the miracle of history (remembering everything), that you have to do one thing only – you have to get rid of everything that previous generations have given you as a gift – (stolen not-gift) for your locomotive (that is, your life) and thus get rid of all these carriages just in the Path of Radical Inquiry)

Unless you start questioning everything, smash all the foundations to smithereens, leave no stone unturned, and sweep all the Pharisaical precepts from your temple of the human heart with a whip, the learned spirituality in the thrall of scholastic, white-bearded, all-knowing teachers, you will get nowhere. So the practice, not the theory, of the Path of Radical Inquiry involves a lifelong practical journey of daily honestly cutting ourselves off from anything that kills the „God-spark“ in us, and forcing us to take every doubt we have about anything, especially doubts about God, to the point of ad absurdum, because if we don’t do it honestly, we’ve missed an opportunity for real change. And not only will we not meet ourselves and our (God’s precious spark), but we will also miss out on the false path of the real Living One True Good God – the Logos revealed in Jesus Christ, and that will be the saddest thing in the universe.