Category Archives: Excerpts from literature on the topic of Gnosticism

Uroboros: Touch of Literature: The Great Mother’s Touch by the Ritual of Religion of India (Hinduism) [Copyright ©]

She then entered the anteroom before entering the main, inner sanctum of the Priestess of the Divine Great Mother-Tridevi.

The Mother Thing, Marianna knew from her grandmother Elvira, had thousands of shapes and faces, and time and space were filled with them, again and again, and again. And this temple, she knew, stood not only in the midst of this time and city, but also in the midst of eternity in the heart for anyone who felt her call.

Here, in the foyer, she was stopped on her way by Hirani Sandi, who was the priestess’s guardian and the women’s guide traveling to the priestess’s inner sanctum with a ceremonial gesture of respect.

The woman guarding this temple was dressed in a crimson red ceremonial sari.

Immediately, Marianna asked in a brisk, already slightly exasperated voice what the reason for her unexpected and unannounced visit outside of proper public ceremonies was.

Great Divine Mother

Understanding her anger at her position, Marianna remained silent with submission, dropping to her knees before the woman and bowing to her. In doing so she showed her unwavering and unquestionably absolute respect, for she bowed to her inner Goddess, who was revealed in every woman. Hirani Sandi was stunned, and the anger drained from her without a trace. She now fully understood who had come to the temple.

After this initial act of reverence, Marianna rose and wordlessly took a loose lotus white flower in front of the women with nearby sacrificial bowls full of different-colored flowers placed next to a scale model of the temple.

At this, she could feel the wandering eyes of the guardian on her body and soul, who watched her ceremony closely and did not interfere. Subsequently, Marianna dipped a lotus white flower in the ceremonial red oil, all of which went on without a word.

Like a divine dancer, she sank the flower a second later into a hanging sacrificial bowl over an empty fire for one purpose only, a ceremony sacrificing fire that would rise to the heavens, together with ceremonial prayers in a precise order.

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Uroboros: A Mirror of Literature: Encountering One with the Face of Demiurg, or the Direct Path of Destiny [Copyright ©]

Fotografie od Viridiana O Rivera na

Something strange and inherently Evil from second to second in the midst of an ordinary and nothing-special day froze all time and space around Jasmine.
As it happened, so did time, the old friend of life and reality, not advancing a thousandth of a second. The space also curved unexpectedly with a massive force from the outside.
She was horrified.
She felt a huge chill that froze her in that other unnameable time and space.
Cold a thousand times stronger than that ship in the icy ocean.
She tried to make sense of it.
She knew she was getting somewhere, from second to second.
She plunged involuntarily into a white, misty, and evil void.
The consequence of this shift was an understanding that the world around her, the one she knew safely, had ceased to exist without any warning sign.
She understood after a moment, seeing the white, misty emptiness around her with her physically altered eyes. A whiff of fear, even panic, filled her.
So, after all, what she had experienced since the morning, which had already been taken away for good, was not just a fickle and stupid feeling.
She panicked even more and could do nothing to stop it.
Before her eyes, a short distance away, a massive black vortex finally appeared as a single clue, becoming momentarily the only object before her eyes in an otherwise empty, whitewashed universe. And nothing else, not even the smallest thing, existed in that strange universe, leaving only her and the spinning black vortex.
Unexpectedly, there was another twist to the event she was experiencing when the vortex, before her eyes, exploded in the middle of nowhere.

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Uroboros: The Complete Book – Agnostos Theos – Speaking in Fear [Copyright ©]

What is this book about?

This book is first and foremost the diary of an Urban Shamanist, Jungian, Neo-Gnostic, and cyberpunker, and most importantly, a bit of a human being. If you read this book you will also meet a mystic who is everything and wanders through his own Valley of the Shadow of Death, but also of Life. The author and also the hero – not hero is also an extremely well-read Czech Gnostic philosopher and cyberpunker, which is reflected in his liking of some of the cyberpunk stories he writes about in the book – Matrix, Nirvana, Battlestar Galactica, Equilibrium, Avatar, Inception, Caprica, A Scanner Darkly, EXistenZ.

And also a bit on this topic: In the 21st century, people prefer the illusion of DISINFORMATION to real true actionable INFORMATION, the power of which lies in its ability to awaken the creative faculties in man and awaken wonder at the great Mystery of Life – the irrational, the apparent now seems real in our reality. The silly, the distorted thus seems in another postmodern artificial light only an alternative view of reality, and is, regardless of its intrinsic absurdity, more permissible than the reality requiring the ability and duty to discover, examine and accept, but also the possibility of not discovering, not examining and voluntarily accepting DISINFORMATION, the question of free choice still unanswered here?

I woke up suddenly. I looked up at the ceiling and then at my surroundings. I didn’t recognize the room. I didn’t recognize the clothes, the furniture, the bookcase, and then the face in the bathroom mirror. My inner and outer eyes stopped working, my memory broke, and nothing was the same. It was a moment of decisive stoppage in time and space. And time had forgotten to run. (Josef Š.)

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Uroboros: A Touch of Literature – Gnostic Revelations: The Forbidden Volume Number 1285, entitled Revelations of the Archangels [Copyright ©]

I was given a glimpse into the heart of the cosmos, into its darkest center, and there, again, I met my own and personal Black Iron Prison – B.I.P.; this is the Revelation that has been hidden from myself for quite a long time. But thanks to the Philip Kindred Dick, the veil of fog rises, and B.I.P. will someday be defeated.

Book quote: Josef Š. Agnostos Theos – Talks in Terror: Warning, this Gnostic Revelation may interfere with both your perception and your view of Life. Please consider reading similar text. (Book Agnostos Theos – Speaking in Terror)

Opening lines for Claudio

Dear Claudia, you are the only one I can honestly trust out of people! And that’s for our long, sincere search for the truth! That is why I address you directly in my letter, not wanting to hide behind words and pretend everything is fine!

There’s nothing right and that’s for the Revelation I received, which I’m still experiencing as a loved one. I am appalled by it, I am damned by it, I am excluded from being human. I’ve become something! I’m terrified of it all. This Revelation is white and black, as if I were a puppet in both worlds, in the white world of good even in the black world of evil.

Somebody’s playing weird chess with me, and I’m moving along the lines! I’ve already tried to tell someone, just to hint at a little of what I’m going to write, and I’ve been advised to keep it all to myself just to make sure that no one wants the real truth.

And the more someone says they want her, they never really say they’re going to take her seriously for their life. Everything I experienced was authentic, and it transcended me like the light of a supernova, the light of our star. Can I deny what I experienced firsthand? I feel the pain of that Light.

The classic apocalyptic sci-fi film Metropolis
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