Category Archives: Excerpts from literature on the topic of Gnosticism

Uroboros: Touch of Literature: The Moscow Rose of Socialist Peace (2017) [Copyright ©]

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Comrade Josef Novotny looked thoughtfully over the dead range of No One’s Land and saw, at least a little, to the enemy’s positions in the enemy trench. As usual, he stared through the fog of war at the partially visible silhouettes of the enemy soldiers standing.
In the fog, he always saw Them aim their machine guns and machine guns at their space just as their soldiers aimed, as if in some death throes, back at them.
Occasionally, someone on the home side couldn’t stand it, and it seemed to him that there, on the other side, someone had moved and was about to open fire, firing into enemy space first. But never, at least since Joseph had been stationed here, had anyone returned fire.
Yet the Politruci have repeatedly said, with Bolshevik harshness, that there, in the forbidden zone, are imperialist enemies, and they are targeting them, even before the planned attack, which so far, fanatically expected by them, has not come. Sometimes, in political training, they would shout, „Wake up, wake up, they’re there, and they’re waiting for the right moment to let you down in the line of duty.“ But the simple soldier felt differently.
The trenches were housed on both sides in the former foundations of planned, never-completed mansion blocks. There was supposed to be a housing estate full of people and children playing in about that well-meaning, war-free future, and so far there were only trenches and bunkers in the former foundations of mansion houses in the cruelly present Joseph reality.

He had been in the service for less than a year, a young boy of nineteen, and he was proud of what he had already accomplished here. In heat, cold, and gunfire, he simply served his socialist country to the full.
He knew exactly where he was as the military masters drove them into the trenches in the big military truck Tatras 148 VNM. From Ústí nad Labem he followed the entire route, sitting in the back of the truck to the edge. It was only in full view of the change of the former district, at the Land Boundary Stone between Malé Březno and Přerov.
This was where his personal frontier began, where he had once been at home before the war. He was fully immersed in the memories of the past as they drove through the evacuated and now empty village of Těchlovice.

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Uroboros: The initiation – a sample from the book of Mars, my eternal torment [Copyright ©]

The initiation – a sample from the book of Mars, my eternal torment. Again, I want to remind everyone that this demonstration is very hard, and it’s disturbing, The Secret is getting out through this one from the novel, and it’s going to have a life of its own. Please be careful, move forward slowly, don’t rush. It’s time to live and time to die.

Fotografie od Viridiana O Rivera na

But in a moment she awoke unexpectedly, and was elsewhere.

For once she lay on a rock that was cold. She didn’t know where. She stared around, then was startled to find out where he really was. For she saw that it was on some cliff high above a huge underground cave, and she could not actually get off that cliff, because the cliff was only a promontory at the edge of the rock, and there was no escape from it. Then she lay down carefully on the edge and looked full downward.

Below her, in the depths of a giant cave, she saw a strange place. It was a circle of at least twenty tall stones, spaced about ten meters apart. The circle was so huge that she was unable to see it all from that height. She looked intent, and then, unexpectedly, someone touched her shoulder.

She was startled, and stood up, standing on the edge of the cliff, not understanding where the figure had come from.

But after a second of alarm, she calmed down, because the figure, she realized now, was a woman, and she felt that the woman would do her no harm. She was sure of it, so resigned calm took over.

A woman in a red summer dress and a fringe headband with a jewel in the middle smiled at her.

She believed her, and smiled back at once.

„I am Imbalance, Goddess of Underworld Chaos,“ she said, and went on.

“My sister Balance, Goddess of Absolute Equality summons you to her because I, I am out of control again. And she, waiting for you, is down there among the twenty sacred stones in the cave of Rebirth.”

She was uneasy at her words, for she represents the element behind the decay of all she knew, and was acquainted with in the wanderings of the underworld.

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Uroboros: Alexander Maistrovoy (Facebook group Gnosis) Way of Neo-gnostic: The pearls of knowledge [Copyright ©]

CZ verze zde – Uroboros: Alexander Maistrovoy (Facebooková skupina Gnosis) Cesta neognostiků: Perly poznání [Copyright ©]

An article about my gnostic journey, shared in the group, translation added and posted on the web. The exchange of ideas between Gnostics is important – the author has evaluated my understanding of Gnosticism in his own style – so we learn the most important things from each other. Thank you Uroboros

Fotografie od Magda Ehlers na

Source: Alexander Maistrovoy – Facebook group Gnosis

Way of Neo-gnostic: The pearls of knowledge

In modern time we see significant and interesting attempts to resurrect Gnosticism by combining the mysticism of ancient Gnostic philosophers with the vision of modern famous authors and thinkers.

One such attempt, and in my opinion, a very fruitful one, was made by the contemporary Gnostic philosopher Josef Šédl from the Czech Republic.

On his Gnosticismus/Gnosticism website (in Czech and English) Šédl combines the teachings of one of the most brilliant Gnostic thinkers of antiquity, Valentinus, with the ideas of the American science fiction writer Philip K. Dick.

In his books Philip K. Dick touched on existential questions of being. His characters live in high-tech worlds dominated by corporations and bureaucracy, oppression, paranoia and loss of identity. This world of absurdity and universal unification is, as in the Gnostic myths, a prison for the human soul, but behind it a transcendent reality lies. The material world of the ignorant and powerful Demiurge separates us from God but God seeks to show himself to the world.

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Uroboros: Touch of Literature: The initiation – a sample from the book of Mars, my eternal torment [Copyright ©]

The initiation – a sample from the book of Mars, my eternal torment. Again, I want to remind everyone that this demonstration is very hard, and it’s disturbing, The Secret is getting out through this one from the novel, and it’s going to have a life of its own. Please be careful, move forward slowly, don’t rush. It’s time to live and time to die.

But in a moment she awoke unexpectedly, and was elsewhere.

For once she lay on a rock that was cold. She didn’t know where. She stared around, then was startled to find out where he really was. For she saw that it was on some cliff high above a huge underground cave, and she could not actually get off that cliff, because the cliff was only a promontory at the edge of the rock, and there was no escape from it. Then she lay down carefully on the edge and looked full downward.

Below her, in the depths of a giant cave, she saw a strange place. It was a circle of at least twenty tall stones, spaced about ten meters apart. The circle was so huge that she was unable to see it all from that height. She looked intent, and then, unexpectedly, someone touched her shoulder.

She was startled, and stood up, standing on the edge of the cliff, not understanding where the figure had come from.

But after a second of alarm, she calmed down, because the figure, she realized now, was a woman, and she felt that the woman would do her no harm. She was sure of it, so resigned calm took over.

A woman in a red summer dress and a fringe headband with a jewel in the middle smiled at her.

She believed her, and smiled back at once.

„I am Imbalance, Goddess of Underworld Chaos,“ she said, and went on.

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